Search found 6 matches

by Jurij13
Sat 16 Jan 21, 17:06
Forum: DF920 Rig/Sails
Topic: Bowsprit for DF920 R
Replies: 4
Views: 13615

Re: DF920 Bowsprit

Hallo Ernst, hast du eigentlich noch alte Unterlagen/Zeichnungen über deinen Bowsprit? Würde mich darüber freuen. Grüße Jurij
by Jurij13
Sun 20 Sep 20, 7:41
Forum: DF920 General Topics
Topic: DF High with Roadtrailer
Replies: 1
Views: 3317

DF High with Roadtrailer

does anybody know, how the DF920 measures in total height without the mast but inclusive of the road trailer?
Kind regards, Jurij
by Jurij13
Wed 01 Aug 12, 10:51
Forum: DF35 General Topics
Topic: Saildrive Volvo Penta
Replies: 0
Views: 9076

Saildrive Volvo Penta

Hello. suddenly and without announcement we lost speed going forward. The motor activity was normal, yet without power on the propeller. Going backwards was no problem. What was the problem?We did not have any foreign object in in our propeller. It was no problem to open the collapsible propeller. T...
by Jurij13
Sat 28 Jan 12, 17:45
Forum: DF1000 General Topics
Topic: CAD drawings
Replies: 6
Views: 10274

Hello Mika,

look here:

Greats Jurij
by Jurij13
Sat 23 Oct 10, 17:48
Forum: DF35 General Topics
Topic: Launching
Replies: 1
Views: 7841



Diese Homepage informiert mit Bildern und Videos über den Dragonfly 35.
This homepage informs you about the Dragonfly with pictures and videos.
Cette page d´accueil informe avec photos et videos via Dragonfly 35.

greats Jurij
by Jurij13
Sat 16 Oct 10, 11:56
Forum: DF35 General Topics
Topic: Launching DF35
Replies: 0
Views: 8739

Launching DF35


does anybody have experience in taking apart a DF 35 for transport?
Which trailer did you use for the main hull? Did the trailer have a license?

I would appreciate an exchange of experiences with another DF owner, preferably with pictures.

Kind regards,