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by David M
Tue 31 Dec 19, 14:46
Forum: DF1000 Hull
Topic: Centerboard won't deploy. Appears to be stuck in the trunk.
Replies: 4
Views: 5815

Thanks for replying! Answers below: - Can you shake it? Or is it completely stuck? TAPPED THE TOP OF THE CENTERBOARD AND THIS LOWERED IT BY ABOUT 6", NOW IT IS COMPLETELY STUCK. CAN'T SHAKE IT. - Are you on shore? Can you get below? BOAT IS ON A LIFT. WENT BELOW IN A KAYAK AND THE CENTRAL 1/3 I...
by David M
Mon 16 Dec 19, 11:40
Forum: DF1000 Hull
Topic: Centerboard won't deploy. Appears to be stuck in the trunk.
Replies: 4
Views: 5815

Centerboard won't deploy. Appears to be stuck in the trunk.

Have a 1994 Dragonfly 1000 that is being renovated. Several months ago, while on the hard in the boatyard, the centerboard had some minor fiberglass repairs and was re-coated with antifouling paint. Tried to deploy the centerboard yesterday and it won't budge from the trunk. Removed the table and th...