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DF 25 parts

Posted: Fri 08 Feb 08, 18:21
by toby123
I didn't see a DF 25 forum, so I guess this is the closest match.

I am considering buying a 1990 contour built DF 25, and was wondering about the availabilty of parts for this boat should the need arise(I recall reading somewhere in this forum that rudders could be very difficult to replace). Is it completely interchangeable with the quorning built DF 25's as far as parts and specs go?

Also any impressions on the quality and longevity of these canadian built DF's, as well as what a good price would be?

Thanks, Dan T.

Dfly 25 parts

Posted: Fri 08 Feb 08, 23:14
by tpaliwoda
As a past 25 owner, I never had a problem finding parts. I even have a left over spare rudder somewhere in my garage!
The majority of the parts you can get at any good marine store. If you are talking custom parts, cross beams and hulls, that may take some doing.
The more common big ticket item parts are sails, are custom made from any sail maker, tramps are made by Sunrise, rigging, any rigger can make it.
Good luck and welcome aboard!

Posted: Sat 09 Feb 08, 4:09
by toby123
Thanks for the reply!

So do you recommend the boat? I am planning to primarily daysail with my wife and 3 small kids. I am thinking about an occasional overnighter which I know will be cramped, but hopefully possible.

Dan T.

Dfly 25 parts

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 08, 1:28
by tpaliwoda
I would recommend it. It was our first tri also, coming from Hobies.
We also have three kids. It was never a problem sleeping all for the weekend.
Easy boat to single hand . Plenty of room on the tramps for all.
It would be a great starter boat.
If you have any questions drop me an email and I'll give you my phone number.

Posted: Sun 10 Feb 08, 3:29
by toby123
Thanks a lot Ted. If I get the boat, I'm sure I will have plenty of questions.

Posted: Mon 11 Feb 08, 0:47
by wrkinkel
Dan, I have a DF 800, I have been thinking of selling it, I live in Edgewater MD, Give me a call 443-695-4459, I can at least show you it and you can compare it to the boat you are considering.

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 08, 5:07
by toby123
Ted, I can't seem to find your email address, but would love to ask you a few questions. If you have a chance, maybe you could email me at Thanks Dan T.

Posted: Fri 17 Oct 08, 3:47
by Oscar
Wonder if I'm buying the boat Dan was looking at.....