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Lowering DF 800 racing mast
Posted: Fri 04 Apr 08, 21:37
by toby123
I just bought a 94' DF 800 racing, and need to drop the mast for the first time. I have the manual describing the method, but would love to hear any tips or pointers anyone might have. Also, I am missing one of the tubular units you are supposes to use in the procedure.
Dan T.
Posted: Sat 05 Apr 08, 13:58
by tpaliwoda
First I have to say best of luck with the new boat and welcome to the D'fly family!
Now getting down to the point,
I would highly suggest you find someone in the area that knows how to do it.
I can begin to explain it, but seeing someone that knows how to do it and reading how to do it are two different things.
Things can go wrong real fast. Do not try to do this by yourself, it is a two person job.
If it is up on the trailer, I would not take it down while it is on the trailer. Especially if it the one you that you sent me pictures of.
Your best bet is to see if you can get the previous owner to show you, buy him lunch and a beer, watch carefully and learn.
Drop me an email for more info.
Again, best of luck with the new boat!