Supports for boat ashore
Posted: Fri 14 May 10, 21:41
I used the dimensions from Quornings of their yard trolleys for supporting 920s, and have had made front and rear supports to go on hard standing that support the boat in the correct places. I have designed them to be easily dismantled for transport so that they will fit in a hatchback car. Have used them a number of times, now, and they work very well. If anyone wants more info/drawings, let me know.
Always found it a pain, though, to properly support the floats when out on the hard;- need different height supports depending on whether the floats are extended or folded. Using lumps of wood for this always worried me, having in mind the relatively fragile nature of the float GRP hulls.
This year I found a company that make supports for siting caravans, and they agreed to make me four supports that are rated at a tonne each, and that would adjust between the correct dimensions for supporting floats folded or extended. Did all four for less than £100.
Caravan Siting Equipment, 01205 761866.
I just made shaped blocks to go on the top. They fit the shape of the float hull exactly, in line with the float bulkheads.
Please click on any of the photos to see them enlarged!

Always found it a pain, though, to properly support the floats when out on the hard;- need different height supports depending on whether the floats are extended or folded. Using lumps of wood for this always worried me, having in mind the relatively fragile nature of the float GRP hulls.
This year I found a company that make supports for siting caravans, and they agreed to make me four supports that are rated at a tonne each, and that would adjust between the correct dimensions for supporting floats folded or extended. Did all four for less than £100.
Caravan Siting Equipment, 01205 761866.
I just made shaped blocks to go on the top. They fit the shape of the float hull exactly, in line with the float bulkheads.
Please click on any of the photos to see them enlarged!